
This will profile all normalised data against the data profiles and store the results in the database.

To run this:

$ node ./src/bin/profile-normalised-data.js

It can be stopped at any time and it will not leave the database in a bad state. Only records being processed at that particular moment in time would be lost.

When restarted it will pick up where it left off.

Database Storage & Errors

It will store the results of this in the normalised_data_profile_results table.

Rows are stored per item of normalised data and per profile, so you should expect this table to have 3 times as many rows as normalised_data (if there are 3 profiles).

For any data profile and normalised data item, there are 4 states:

  • no row - we haven't tried to run the check yet

  • a row with checked=FALSE - we tried to run the check but it went wrong. See error_checking_message.

  • a row with checked=TRUE and nothing in results - we checked it and the data passed the check!

  • a row with checked=TRUE and things in results - we checked it and the data failed the check. See results.

Clear out work already done (Database storage)

To clear out all work already done, you can run the SQL:

DELETE FROM normalised_data_profile_results;

To only profile a limited set of data

You may want to do this to avoid processing too much data.

Stop the process early

The process can be forcibly stopped at any point and the database will not be in a bad state. It will contain most work done up to the point you stop it.

Only use some profiles

In Settings, edit dataProfiles to remove some profiles and only leave the ones you want. (See src/lib/settings.js).

Now run this stage as normal.

Last updated