Dev hosting with Docker

The Dockerfile and docker-compose are configured for development purposes only, not intended for use in production.



$ docker-compose build

Then to migrate databases:

$ docker-compose run app node /home/app/src/bin/migrate-database.js

Run commands or NPM

To run any of the other app commands:

$ docker-compose run -l openactive-conformance-services-type=run -w /home/app app node ./src/bin/spider-data-catalog.js
$ docker-compose run -l openactive-conformance-services-type=run -w /home/app app node ./src/bin/download-raw.js
// etc.

For NPM:

$ docker-compose run -l openactive-conformance-services-type=run -w /home/app app npm install
// etc.


To access the database with psql:

$ docker-compose exec postgres psql -U app -h postgres
$ // (password is 'app')

Database will persist between container restarts/rebuilds.

Run Webserver


$ docker-compose run -l openactive-conformance-services-type=run -w /home/app -p 3000:3000 app npm run start-webserver-dev

The API should be available at "localhost:3000".

It will reload automatically when you make changes.

It will stay attached to the console and any output will be visible.

Use CTRL+C to stop it.

Running tests

To set up, open a database console and run:

app=# create database test;

Then run tests at any time with:

$ docker-compose run -l openactive-conformance-services-type=run -w /home/app -e DATABASE_URL="postgres://app:app@postgres:5432/test" app npm run test

Cleaning up Docker

Because we label containers when we run things, we can clean up old containers with:

$ docker container prune --filter label=openactive-conformance-services-type=run

Last updated